Thursday, February 01, 2007


he wants it, to covvet it, classics
the amphitheatre explodes with kids on the same trips
i felt more out of it than i've ever been
slipping away
the only thing to keep me sane

The same dreams
across a desert of distance
maybe even the same screams that no one listened to
these happening urge me to ask the universe
to stop giving me such obvious clues
such as; I've always known you
or it feels that way
that safe,
warm space,
creeping up
the realisation that we must
no real trust, just us
can you understand that we must simply love one another?
it makes me want to laugh
but its hard, the change in direction
slip of the tongue
Taking Action.
the sun bursts forth from the depths of the valley
we cycle straightforward, toward the ocean
feel real, full of warmth for you, love&commotion
in our dreams we slide into utter devotion
thats where we met

inbetween reality and waking life


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