Saturday, April 29, 2006


we sat on the edge of the mediterranean & it felt strange saying i was a west australian
we are no-one in the eyes of others & here i am in a place that gets daily media coverage
we discussed politics and dirty tricks and army kids and blown up villages and nasty images and lost innocence and then we smoked nagila on the sand and spoke more of lands and languages we dont understand
the only conclusion was the intrusion of groovin'
seems like music really is the only universal language that everyone understands and holds hands with
and this made me dance in circles on the sand for weeks unaware of the screeching tyres of cars braking before smacking into other cars and shaking then speeding off before the police can make it to the site of devastation and lost elation but as i said i danced in circles instead and i have stopped wearing red luckily i did for the time i went to nazareth and there was a lonely path with a bull on it and he looked at me wearily and a little astounded and i walked past him yes i held my ground and this might not sound profound or grand but the sights smells & sounds of this land is enough to make you understand with more time with more time with more time
i am learning why they say they want to fight to protect their families and friends to abolish doubt in the minds of the young who grow up needing to be strong and then we all hear the same song and can understand that maybe humans have got it all wrong but its okay we can still play we can still dance in circles for days and days and if you wake up in a haze and remember your dreams when you wake then you can feel just a little bit more safe then you did yesterday and write it all down so you can have something to say because its not necessary to speak unless it is knowledge you seek or you want to ask someone to play with..& even then
you can always go to the beach and just dance in circles on the sand for weeks


Blogger McCabeandco said...

I once slept near the surf in Haifa, and crawled out at midnight, me and my friend went playing in the sand under the moon in the shallows. I had just returned from protesting for the Penan in Sarawak, carrying messages of hope from the Noongar. I too have pondered on languages by the shoreline, played in circles - thanks for reminding me of such things - joy on your way - from Tim

6:20 PM  

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