Monday, May 01, 2006

Beauty & Filth

we are two cats in an alleyway
the same except living out separate days
except its night always and these dreams are our reality

we are two drops in the ocean
the same in every way except we fall in different motions
& we have our own secret notions for continuing this devotion

to be together so far apart
sewing you to my separated self in the dark
with a needle that seems so sharp
is this real?
throwing love like darts
is this what it means to feel again?

you are the most beautiful invisible woman i've ever laid my mind upon


Blogger t0xxx said...


to be together only in the dream-alley
the city of night
as the hard lines of the day dissolve
and dark energetic forms of the sleeping consciousness
build an architecture to inhabit through the somnolent hours

seems possible


[the rest will find its way to your inbox]

and ... thank you...

7:13 PM  

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