Sunday, April 30, 2006

Suppressed desires

in the dream i am fighting a black cat with a small silver two-bladed knife.
we are in a round red tent.
in the dream the cat is talking to me.
i stab her repeatedly until she stops talking to me.
in the dream i walk to a tap and fill a bowl of water for the cat to drink.
the water has blood in it.
in the dream the cat is defeated, and runs away.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Toxic honey

you are like an exotic holographic ghost playing in my dreams
yet when i wake up there are traces left of where you've pulled at my seams
& it all seems like somewhere i might have once been
because when i read your words i have memories of things i've never seen
& so you lay your hands out in front of me
show me a heart so rich im too transfixed to start running
and this is how we make love, this universal language
of rummaging in the dumpsters of our bones and skin
and creating conversations we dont have to finish or begin
just precious moments clinging closer to our human kin
so i keep digging
& hoping all the while you'll bring me more of your sentences on a string
which i'll wrap around my neck at night so i can see you flicker once more in my dreams

I love (Part 1)

I love

ferns and lillies
honeysuckle and citrus
juggles and firesticks
big crowded matressess
jams and making love with music
music and watching all my friends groove it
dancing and dance-offs and hitting the right spot
being a softy being loud & standing my ground
watching the words pour out of peoples mouths
defiance and alliances and giant trees and being free
touch and whispers and romance and delicacy
& appreciating the fragility of being human


we sat on the edge of the mediterranean & it felt strange saying i was a west australian
we are no-one in the eyes of others & here i am in a place that gets daily media coverage
we discussed politics and dirty tricks and army kids and blown up villages and nasty images and lost innocence and then we smoked nagila on the sand and spoke more of lands and languages we dont understand
the only conclusion was the intrusion of groovin'
seems like music really is the only universal language that everyone understands and holds hands with
and this made me dance in circles on the sand for weeks unaware of the screeching tyres of cars braking before smacking into other cars and shaking then speeding off before the police can make it to the site of devastation and lost elation but as i said i danced in circles instead and i have stopped wearing red luckily i did for the time i went to nazareth and there was a lonely path with a bull on it and he looked at me wearily and a little astounded and i walked past him yes i held my ground and this might not sound profound or grand but the sights smells & sounds of this land is enough to make you understand with more time with more time with more time
i am learning why they say they want to fight to protect their families and friends to abolish doubt in the minds of the young who grow up needing to be strong and then we all hear the same song and can understand that maybe humans have got it all wrong but its okay we can still play we can still dance in circles for days and days and if you wake up in a haze and remember your dreams when you wake then you can feel just a little bit more safe then you did yesterday and write it all down so you can have something to say because its not necessary to speak unless it is knowledge you seek or you want to ask someone to play with..& even then
you can always go to the beach and just dance in circles on the sand for weeks

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


and sometimes just as the last embrace is shaken from our skins
we realise
we remember
where it begins
and how in a way its about to end

submerge in your skin
awaken to the light of day creeping in through the canvas we're wrapped tightly in
and you kiss me and grin and like air...
we are in ... love

explore and devour me as i am your virgin land
tread easily
leave your tracks deep within me
with the lightness of your soft-as-cloud hands

your love letters
are layers of words that thrill me
they continue to deepen and make me sweat when theres a cool breeze
they make me throw off my clothes until all that is left is my bare skin
and a faerie imprint

flowers wilt without you


after one week of lucid dreams
it seems im no closer to the realisation of what it means to be given everything
im just dfrifting like soft wood or wet grass underfoot touched by some
..or am i the one who has seeped into my own lungs that its come to this?

i cant breath and i cant sleep

i sit up with wide eyes like a cartoon in disguise; a character who shies away from their own personal life
i live a lie
i live a dry lie
bitter and pointless to the hidden eye in the centre of my palm
it protects me from all evil, defends me against all charms
this arm holds me down, and as i struggle it just deepens
i cant wake up now that i've finally begun to sleep again
and as i describe in dancing movements the pain of losing friends
i choke on my own inner pen leaking from my heart again
..and it burns
and i wait,
and i listen
..somethings coming
..something glistens

bury myself in this place hidden
if you saw my face you'd know i wasnt kidding
this is breathing
this is living
this is thoughts electronically driven

i cant write anymore
i can just dance with soft pattered fingers
leaving patterns like smoke rings so distant yet..
almost believably significant

see what i mean yet ?

Monday, April 24, 2006

Once she spoke

And this dilation recedes like the contact I receive
barely audible over the roaring of fighter planes high above the trees
a familiarity of shapes swelling inside like a necessity
of passion and interest that I urge myself to remind you of uneasily

with glee, she'd dance on the concrete and streets
seeing no one and in that being utterly free
imaginings of bubbles and leaves that fall so delicately
and she could catch them..
she could see beyond their meager reality

And this retraction like a mistaken action I impede
no amount of sorry's can ever equal your innocent pleas
a generation of negative hostility lends me time to learn to grieve
A sorrow of forgotten losses and the search for a tomorrow that's possibly in reach

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Tel Aviv, ISRAEL


Jim was on the bench opposite
I walked over and joined him on the seat
He had rollies and i delighted in this unexpected treat
He had a tin which we both thought was quite neat
We smoke joints together all day
& toured Zurich in a non-tourist way

Then we went to the Rote Fabrik
Drank rooibus tea
Played chess
& smoked more European style sticks

What a nice man ; that Jim
We juggled together & thats how I knew I could trust him

$6 Nitrous Oxide

The dull ache as we hold our eyes open for hours on end
We cant shake being awake until we sleep & are born again
Next to a friend who dances close and bumps your rear end
Endless amazing pointless conversations
Blessed elevations
Revelations as we interact yet its the same again
& my name you might forget
but i wont let that faulty step grip my thoughts for a minute more than it should
So i sit
& i dont know what you're thinking
We smoked a lot of joints yet partook in no drinking
Saving our minds & interlinking with other kinds
Just a twitch more & you'll find
Banging heads on walls is bound to make you fall
Repetitive blind dream world
You cant remeber so you leave it behind

A blind woman in Israel crossing the road

Streets lined with the sweat of slave labourers lining up for some well deserved respect among their pious peers who drench their desires with cigarettes and beers
Ultimately avoiding hazardous awakenings in the openings of new days filled with explosions and lined with nails
We await the dutiful return of the man with no hair and long curly locks, twisted desperately into an image created to perpetrate, abolish and exterminate all who follow in his wake
A blind woman in Israel I sail from heights never before scaled and haling from a land of everything’s mostly okay
Yet I distinguish the difference between death and pain
Blood spattered streets that don’t get cleansed in the rain, which never comes,
just hot pollution and hazy sun
Which we never see set
and a war
Which we never see settled
And she walks over to the calcium filled water and fills the kettle
More honey and peace
Soon my sweet we’ll escape like rebels
Riding out on a desert highway, all the way back to our favourite yesterday
We said we’d never sway
Unless today is the day
How many people died today in different ways, and can we differentiate between torture and euthanasia?
Is this the easy way?
Riding out on a desert highway, we hit a woman and take her life in day
We'll escape like ribbons, untied and sliding softly underneath tired eyes and ears
...A way to cross this road without being seen