Thursday, May 18, 2006

Nofush, motek shelach

we spoke of dreams & i saw the moon
we grew up together without even knowing eachother
yet i know you
the embers burn & we wrap ourselves in a blanket
sharing this space once & forever
& i silently thank you
im not sure how to express the deepness of love i feel for you
how fond i am of your company
how our world feels so rich & new

if i can just remember this

our moment together in awed bliss
of different worlds & minds & words
for just this moment
this is what there is
i feel renewed compassion
for love & connections
we keep meeting & clashing
& smiling & laughing
i bid you sweet dreams
& feel sure we are the same
all of us are in some way
only human they say
& so dear cousin
layla tov
may you journey deep within yourself
& tomorrow we'll drink coco & smoke cigarettes
& continue our shared existance


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